Motivation and Neurofeedback: A Tuneup for Every Brain

Motivation is greatly misunderstood by the majority of people. So many times, I hear from people that they “cannot get themselves motivated” or “don’t have the motivation to complete things” they have to do. What is motivation? Simply put, it is the energy that drives us to take action toward a goal or behavior and inspires us to complete it. In general, we look at two types of motivation:

  1. Intrinsic: This comes from inside, such as core beliefs, values, and feelings we have towards achieving a goal.
  2. Extrinsic: This comes from outside of us, such as receiving rewards for achieving our goal or avoiding negative consequences for not acting to achieve it.

Improve Energy with Neurofeedback

Motivation can be complicated because all conditions have to come together in order for it to translate into action. Your brain is the physical organ responsible for activating your body. Your mind interprets and interacts with the world. They must be synchronized to function optimally. When this happens, you can focus on what you attempt to achieve, be productive, and accomplish your goal. Neurofeedback helps synchronize your brain with your mind by improving the timing of both. Neurofeedback has been used by professional athletes, NASA, and many clinical facilities.

What is Neurofeedback?

Chicago Neurofeedback is a non-invasive process of training your brain by using advanced computer technology to modify brain activity. First, we record your brain activity using QEEG technology, commonly used in medical offices, to record brain waves in different regions of your brain. We then generate a training algorithm especially designed for you based on your brain map.

Improve Energy with Neurofeedback Therapy: How Does It Work?

Once we map your brain activity, we send it to our computer lab for analysis. This thorough analysis involves a comparison with millions of profiles in our database that identifies the patterns of your brain waves activity and decodes them to understand how they translate into daily life. We can then create a protocol to repair patterns that are detrimental to desired functioning and begin training your brain to maintain healthy patterns.

When you come to our office, you will be connected to sensors to monitor your brain activity while watching a video and/or listening to music. The system will focus on areas of your brain that are responsible for motivation, anxiety, and other issues identified in your QEEG brain map. The system then corrects undesirable brain activity and provides rewards for desirable brain patterns. Through repetition and training, your brain learns to balance itself and reduce the symptoms associated with undesirable brain activity, as well as enhance cognitive functioning.

There is an increasing body of research on the positive effects of Neurofeedback therapy on a person’s motivation, performance, and other aspects of individual abilities such as:

  • Reducing anxiety.
  • Improving sleep.
  • Improving cognitive sharpness.
  • Reducing symptoms of ADHD and depression.
  • Enhancing performance in school, art, and sports.
  • Controlling symptoms of tinnitus
  • And other related conditions.

Patient Testimonial: Amy’s Journey

The most powerful evidence of the effectiveness of Neurofeedback comes from numerous clients testimonies such as Amy, who struggled with severe, and long-standing anxiety stemming from childhood trauma. Amy tried every treatment possible prior to coming to us. She has seen different therapists and tried several types of medications including anti-anxiety, anti-depressants and antipsychotics. She became increasingly desponded and felt “very stuck”.

After Amy completed half the protocol of Neurofeedback prescribed for her she began reporting a “lifting of the cloud” she has experienced for so long. Later she began describing an increase in her motivation, productivity and ability to be present in her life. She was finally feeling that she was getting more control of her life and more free of her ever present anxiety.

It is stories like that highlights the transformative power of Neurofeedback.

Is It Safe?

Neurofeedback is considered a very safe and effective treatment. The only potential side effect is mild fatigue following the training session, which is expected to go away shortly after. At the Brain Health Center of Chicago, patient safety is our number one priority. We conduct our assessments and tailor treatments to individual needs. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and effective treatment experience, with supervision provided by a licensed clinical psychologist.

Best Licensed Psychologist Near Chicago Illinois for Neurofeedback TherapyMeet Dr. Joseph Shoshana

Dr. Joseph Shoshana is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been practicing in the Chicago area for over 20 years. He treats patients and families of all ages on a wide range of clinical issues, including ADHD, depression, and PTSD. Every brain needs a tuneup, and Neurofeedback offers a promising approach to achieving optimal brain health. By harnessing the power of advanced technology, individuals can improve energy and take control of their motivation and overall well-being.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, contact Chicago Brain Health at 847-670-8544.

Change your brain, change your life!
